PPD Statement of Intent

For my PPD experience I am going to design and build my own website to present my work in a more professional manner. Up until this point, I have only used blogs to show my work, and this has always been more to have an online backup of my images. I would only share this blog with friends or family who wished to see my work as it is not presented in an organised or professional manner. I am going to start applying for volunteer/apprenticeship positions and I also want to be able to network within the industry, I do not think using a blog will represent me in the best way. I am going to purchase a domain and design a website using http://www.squarespace.com. I will present my most recent and finished works, as well as including all of my contact details. I have also set up an instagram account titled @clarecollinsfineart, I am going to regulate all of these online platforms and use them only for my professional practice.

Artist Statement

The work that I create is very personal and intimate, as I find the most inspiration by drawing on personal experiences. My work is all about reflection, and this usually revolves around my darkest moments, often to do with existentialism and the pursuit of happiness. The ideas that I am exploring, although incredibly personal to me, are very relatable to society, expanding outside of just the art world.

I use a variety of different mediums throughout my practice, including installation and print making. My background however, is in filmmaking and photography. I meticulously study the methodology and the creative process I am working in, in addition to the work itself.  I work heavily within analogue, and the process of developing the film is paramount in my research. Regardless of the medium, my work tends to be very dark in terms of aesthetics, and is often devoid of colour.

PPD LECTURE – 04/12/15


  • Victoria Lupton is from the organization, How to work together 
  • it is a collective of contemporary art commissioning and research organisation
  • funded by three not-for-profit London galleries: Chisenhale GalleryThe Showroom and Studio Voltaire.
  • built on teamwork and collaboration
  • strategic development
  • think tank

PPD – 11/12/15


Andrew Grassi

  • creates copies of famous paintings
  • is a painter who records and represents scenarios such as the circumstances of their production or display.
  • faking his own work


Silvia Baumgart

  • offers advice and support for the creative sector.
  • advice on intellectual property
  • no copyright