PPD Statement of Intent

For my PPD experience I am going to design and build my own website to present my work in a more professional manner. Up until this point, I have only used blogs to show my work, and this has always been more to have an online backup of my images. I would only share this blog with friends or family who wished to see my work as it is not presented in an organised or professional manner. I am going to start applying for volunteer/apprenticeship positions and I also want to be able to network within the industry, I do not think using a blog will represent me in the best way. I am going to purchase a domain and design a website using http://www.squarespace.com. I will present my most recent and finished works, as well as including all of my contact details. I have also set up an instagram account titled @clarecollinsfineart, I am going to regulate all of these online platforms and use them only for my professional practice.

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